2023-08-30 07:30:26 来源 : 网络综合整理
1. 证据: evidence
2. 赢得: gain
acquire, attain
3. 国外的: foreign
4. 重视: attach importance to
emphasis, highlight
5. 发展: advance
6. 倾向于: tend to
be inclined to, be apt to
7. 吸引: attract
allure, tempt
8. 专注的: be absorbed in
be immersed in, devote oneself to
9. 目的是: aim at
the purpose is
10. 实现: achieve
fulfill, implement
11. 危害: endanger
threaten, jeopardize
12. 损害: undermine
impair, damage
13. 阻碍: hinder
obstruct, impede
14. 禁止: forbid
ban, prohibit
15. 责备: blame
denounce, criticize
16. 污染: pollute
contaminate, stain
17. 腐蚀: erode
wear away, corrode
18. 欺骗: deceive
cheat, defraud
19. 冲突: conflict
shock, tension
20. 驱使: prompt
spur, incite
21. 贪婪的: acquisitive
money-oriented, materialistic
22. 自私的: self-centered
selfish, inconsiderate